Mon - Fri 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM

What You Need to Know About Opioid Rehab

Opioids or narcotics are prescription medications that are used for pain relief and pain management. These medications come in many different forms and are used to treat a variety of conditions, such as severe headaches, backaches, and recovery after surgery. Although the dangers of opioids are known, they have been used as the first choice for people complaining of pain for many years. These drugs can become highly addictive, and there are many options for opioid rehab for individuals who suffer from opioid addiction. 

What Are Opioids?

Opioids are a form of drug that is highly addictive. Opioids include both prescription drugs and illegal drugs. They are generally used as medicines because of their pain-relieving chemicals.  In addition to pain relief, the use of opioids can cause users to feel a relaxed “high” that can be described as euphoria. This high can become addictive and cause opioid use disorder (OUD). Opioid use disorder is dangerous because it can lead to overdoses and even death. 

Opioids work by activating the opioid receptors in the brain and body. Opioid receptors block pain signals between the brain and the body. When an opioid is taken, it blocks the pain signals that are typically sent from the brain to the body and, instead, releases large amounts of dopamine. Dopamine is the chemical in our brains that are responsible for pleasure, happiness, and overall good feelings. This feeling can cause users of opioids to enjoy the experience and want to continue using opioids. 

Types of Opioids

There is a large array of drugs that are considered opioids. The most common ones include the following:

  • Morphine
  • Oxymorphone 
  • Oxycodone
  • Hydrocodone 
  • Methadone
  • Codeine
  • Fentanyl
  • Heroin 

Prescription opioids include all of the above except heroin, which is illegal. Prescription opioids are usually administered by a medical professional and are safe to use for a short period of time. These drugs can easily be misused by taking the medicine in ways other than prescribed. This can lead to an addiction that has dangerous effects.  

Symptoms of Opioid Misuse

If someone takes opioids on a regular basis, their chances of becoming addicted become much higher. Taking opioids in a way that is not intended can lead to opioid misuse. Here are some symptoms of opioid misuse. 

  • The body becomes dependent on the drug. When they stop taking the drug, they might experience symptoms of withdrawal, such as cravings, headaches, and sweating.
  • The person might continue taking the substance even after the need is gone. 
  • The person might continue to take the substance even if it is risky. This includes if it will put them in the wrong spot financially or if it will jeopardize their personal relationships. 

What Is an Opioid Rehab?

Opioid rehab is a rehabilitation program that is designed to help individuals overcome their addiction to opioids. Opioid misuse and addiction have become a massive and growing problem in the United States. Opioid addiction can have lasting effects on lives, and the purpose of opioid rehab is to provide care to those who are in need of recovery. 

In opioid rehab, individuals are provided with care from trained professionals who are equipped with the knowledge and skills to detox and provide aftercare services safely. Opioid addiction is complex. Therefore,  treatment will be individualized to fit the needs of each specific person.

Types of Opioid Rehabs

Treatments for Opioid misuse vary depending on the individual and their personal needs. The severity of treatment is based on how long a person has been abusing the opioid, their physical and mental health, and how dependent their body is on the drug. 

Hospital Care

Hospital care is uncommon for opioid use. A hospital will treat severe emergency cases like overdoses. They will also admit anyone who has a medical condition in addition to their opioid use. However, after evaluating the needs of the patients, a hospital will likely refer patients to an opioid addiction treatment center. There are also inpatient centers for individuals who require 24-hour supervision. 

Outpatient Programs 

A partial hospitalization program is a type of outpatient treatment program that will allow patients to get treatment and therapy during the day and return home at night. An intensive outpatient center is similar to a partial hospitalization program. However, it does not require as many hours of care. 

Benefits of an Opioid Rehab

It is not easy to decide to get help for opioid addiction. However, making the choice is the decision you will make. There are many benefits of going to opioid rehab. Here are some of the ways opioid rehab can help.

Health and Wellness 

Opioid rehab gets your body and mind focused on healing. Opioid rehab will provide healthy meals and exercise that restore your body and mind and reduce your craving for drugs. 


One significant benefit of opioid rehab is the structure it provides. When recovering from any addiction, creating a routine is vital. Your rehab center will prioritize daily schedules filled with productive activities that will aid in recovery.

Therapy and Treatments

There are therapy options for every person in an opioid rehab because there is no one-size-fits-all approach to therapy. Opioid rehab will provide a variety of different options for those involved in a treatment program. Some therapies that are offered include:

  • Individual therapy 
  • Group therapy 
  • Adventure-based counseling 
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy 
  • Trauma response therapy 
  • Cognitive Behavioral therapy 
  • Christian Counseling

People Who Relate

One of the most helpful things in recovery is having a community of people who understand your struggles and whom you can talk to. Having a support system outside of family and friends can help keep you on the right path on the road to long-term sobriety. 

Top Rated Opioid Rehab Center in Atlanta, GA.

At Inner Voyage Recovery Center in Atlanta, Georgia, we know that anyone can struggle with drug addiction. Addiction does not discriminate, and neither do we. We offer opioid rehab to residents of Atlanta and its surrounding areas. If you or someone you know is struggling with opioid use disorder, Contact us at Inner Voyage Recovery Center to begin building a solid base for your recovery. 

How to Find Christian Drug Rehab Centers Near Me

Struggling with addiction is not an experience that is reserved for a specific type of person. Addiction is a complex and persistent medical condition that can affect anyone, including people who are strong in their faith. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction and want to include their religion in recovery, exploring Christian drug rehab centers just might be what you need. You may be having trouble finding a place that will implement Christian teachings in the recovery process, or you may not even know if it exists. If that sounds like you, here are some things to know when looking into Christian drug rehabs. 

What Is a Christian Drug Rehab?

Christian drug rehabs are geared toward individuals who value their Christian values and would like to implement them in their recovery journey. Religious beliefs are a dominant part of a person’s identity. Christian drug rehab centers will provide a faith-based approach to aid in your recovery. This type of individualized support and treatment is highly beneficial to individuals who place emphasis on their Christianity and spirituality in their day-to-day life. 

What Is Different About a Christian Drug Rehab?

In a Christian drug rehab center, there is an emphasis placed on this part of an individual’s personal journey. If a client requests Christian-based treatment, a Christian drug rehab center will use faith-based methods to help that individual in their recovery journey. When placed in support groups and counseling, individuals will also be placed in environments where others hold the same beliefs and can relate to their journey. 

The benefits of choosing a Christian drug rehab center may include the following:

  • A safe place to honor your spiritual beliefs 
  • Support from people who share your beliefs
  • Prayer and support 
  • Biblical teaching
  • A focus on forgiveness and God’s word

How Does Christian Drug Rehab Work?

Similarly to other drug rehab centers, Christian drug rehab is designed to assist those who suffer from drug addiction. A person is treated for all their needs with the use of medical and psychological evidence-based methods. However, the difference between Christian drug rehab and other rehab centers is that patients can practice their religion and cater to their religious needs. Like other drug rehab centers, at a Christian drug rehab center, evidence-based healing is achieved through the following therapies:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Contingency management (CM)

These therapies are offered at different levels of care. Levels of care are dependent on an individual’s personal needs. Therefore, treatment services include both partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient programs. 

At Inner Voyage Recovery Center, our faith-based approaches to recovery include the following:

  • Daily devotional exercises 
  • Spiritual journal reflection
  • Prayer and meditation
  • Biblical and 12-step integrative study

The combination of proven, evidence-based treatment with faith-based support can make a drastic difference in the healing of each person involved. 

Christian Outpatient Drug Rehab

An outpatient program in drug rehab is a program where patients visit the facility on a scheduled and regular basis. Individuals are not hospitalized. However, they still receive the same level of care to fulfill their needs. Christian outpatient drug rehabs can be beneficial to individuals who are comfortable in their faith and are seeking guidance in a spiritual sense. Some popular outpatient programs include the following.

Intensive Outpatient Programs 

An intensive outpatient program is a program where patients can live their day-to-day lives without constant supervision. They help with relapse management and provide healthy coping strategies and support mechanisms to help those with drug addiction. Under an intensive outpatient program, patients benefit from more structure when working toward their goals. 

Partial Hospitalization Programs

In a partial hospitalization program, patients will also participate in a daily routine at a facility and then return home after. While an intensive outpatient program offers at least nine hours of training per week, partial hospitalization programs are on a more rigorous schedule where there are twenty or more hours of training per week. 

In Christian drug rehab, these programs offer holistic and faith-based treatment options in addition to traditional ones. While various treatment options are offered, Christian drug rehab helps people develop healthy, religion-centered lifestyles on their road to recovery. 

Why Should You Choose a Christian Drug Rehab?

Christian drug rehab offers faith-based treatment that is very beneficial to the people who receive it. Patients can build a stronger relationship with God which can subsequently strengthen their spirituality and provide hope and healing. These programs are also beneficial because they provide personalized and individual care and a supportive environment. An environment where people can share their experiences and have others to relate to can make the recovery process a bit easier. This type of support will also aid in long-term sobriety. 

Where to Look for Christian Drug Rehab Centers

If a Christian drug rehab sounds like it can benefit you or someone you know, your next step might be looking for one. When searching for a Christian drug rehab center, it is important to find a center that fits the criteria you are searching for. Here are some things to consider when looking for a Christian drug rehab.

  • Cost of rehab and your payment options
  • Types of therapies and treatments offered
  • Credentials of the treatment facility and professionals
  • The support groups you can join 

In addition, you should also consider speaking with your primary care physician to get a recommendation. If you are already a part of a religious organization like a church, you can reach out to a trusted advisor for suggestions and/or support about drug addiction. 

Christian Drug Rehab Center in Atlanta, GA.

At Inner Voyage Recovery Center in Atlanta, Georgia, we know that anyone can struggle with drug addiction. Addiction does not discriminate, and neither do we. We offer faith-based and Christian drug rehab to residents of Atlanta and its surrounding areas. If you or a Christian you know are struggling with drug addiction, Contact us at Inner Voyage Recovery Center to begin building a solid base for your recovery. 

Cocaine Rehab: The Short and Long-Term Effects of Cocaine

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug used recreationally, albeit illegally, all across the country. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, cocaine-involved deaths rose nearly 54% from 2019 to 2021, with a reported number of 24,486 deaths—marking cocaine as one of the leading causes of drug overdose in the United States. Find out the short and long-term dangers of cocaine below, as well as how to tell when it’s time for cocaine rehab.

What Does Cocaine Do to the Body?

Originating in South America from the leaves of the coca plant, cocaine is manufactured into a white powder substance that is typically ingested nasally. As a Schedule II narcotic, it is highly addictive with a high potential for abuse. Serious effects of cocaine include psychological and physiological dependence that can lead to a decline in overall health and wellness if an individual does not seek proper cocaine rehab.

Short-Term Effects of Cocaine

When an individual first uses cocaine, the short-term effects it produces may be perceived as desirable. However, these effects are short-lived and can worsen with prolonged use. Some of these effects include:

  • Heightened alertness
  • A boost in energy
  • Dampened effects of alcohol
  • Curbed hunger
  • Reduced sleep
  • Feelings of euphoria
  • Increased sociability and talkativeness

However, cocaine may also produce the following short-term physical and psychological symptoms:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Tremors or heightened nerves
  • Anxiety
  • Stomach pain
  • Irritability
  • Increased heart rate
  • Dizziness
  • Restlessness
  • Violent behavior

Long-Term Effects of Cocaine

When an individual uses cocaine for an extended period of time and does not go to cocaine rehab, the effects can be catastrophic and potentially fatal. Some of the associated long-term symptoms of cocaine include:

  • Seizures
  • Heart attacks
  • Stroke
  • Irregular or weakened heart rhythm
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fatigue or general lethargy
  • Constant paranoia
  • Difficulty sleeping or insomnia
  • Loss of or increased appetite
  • Loss of pleasure in everyday activities
  • Concentration issues
  • Cognitive issues or difficulty processing information

Moreover, when someone suddenly stops using cocaine after prolonged use, they become more at risk for overdose. Furthermore, extended use of cocaine can lead to chronic coughing or asthma, damaged nasal passages and sense of smell, scarred veins, blood clots, and infections from a weakened immune system. With this in mind, cocaine is a dangerous drug that can easily put someone in a cycle of addiction that can be difficult to break without cocaine rehab.

What Happens If You Do Cocaine Once?

It doesn’t take a lot for cocaine to produce symptoms for the average person, even if you only try it once. While the effects of cocaine vary per user, you can expect to experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, as well as other psychological or physical effects that may not have been listed.

Fentanyl in Cocaine: What You Should Know

According to the CDC, Fentanyl is a synthetically-produced opioid that can produce effects that are 100 times stronger than morphine and 50 times stronger than heroin. Fentanyl can be sourced illegally or through certain prescription medications, as pharmaceutical fentanyl can be prescribed to treat chronic or severe pain following surgery or to manage advanced cancer symptoms. When used illegally and in extreme or frequent amounts, fentanyl can cause permanent damage to the central nervous and respiratory systems and have fatal consequences.

The problem with illegally manufactured fentanyl is that it can be produced as a white powdered substance that looks similar to cocaine. Consequently, it is not uncommon for illegal drug manufacturers to mix fentanyl with cocaine as a way to cut overhead costs. For this reason, the average person that may be inclined to illegally buy cocaine is also likely to come into contact with a fentanyl-laced product.

Signs of Dangerous Cocaine Use

If you or a person close to you exhibit any of the following signs after frequent cocaine use, it may be worth considering cocaine rehab to cut the addictive cycle for good:

  • A constant, overwhelming desire to consume cocaine
  • Spending money on drugs meant for other responsibilities
  • Dangerous, risky, or impulsive behavior
  • Having little regard for one’s appearance, clothing, or hygiene
  • Dishonesty and theft
  • Aggression or violence
  • Having a habit of not showing up for work or social events
  • Difficulty maintaining good relationships
  • Putting drug usage ahead of commitments and essential relationships
  • Relapse from previous cocaine treatment

Whenever the situations listed above are present in your life or around you, whether it’s from using cocaine or another substance, it’s important to reach out to professional resources that can help manage this downward spiral before events take a deadly turn.

How Cocaine Rehab Helps

During cocaine rehab, individuals struggling with the effects of cocaine use can benefit from a professional team of doctors and counselors who can help them manage withdrawal symptoms. Moreover, cocaine rehab helps individuals identify the root cause of their issue, complete treatment through a range of holistic and clinical therapies, and arrange a relapse prevention strategy that meets their needs.

Cocaine addiction is a complex condition, and its treatment takes time. Treatment might vary in duration depending on a number of variables, such as how long a person has been using, how much of the drug they consume or have consumed, and their current health status. The average length of time for treatment is about two months, with longer stays improving one’s chances of getting clean.

Overcome Addiction With Cocaine Rehab in Atlanta, GA

People typically start using cocaine for fun, believing they won’t get addicted. Unfortunately, this can be the starting point for many cocaine addicts. Cocaine’s effects are intense, but its high wears off quickly. This puts the user in danger of increasing their drug intake to the point of overdose or, worse, death. 

At Inner Voyage Recovery Center’s cocaine rehab in Atlanta, GA, our skilled medical team and support staff know how to help people break the destructive cycle of cocaine addiction so that they may recover their health and continue living better lives. If you think that you or someone close to you might be ready for cocaine addiction treatment, please reach out to us today for a confidential consultation.

How Long Do Shrooms Stay in Your System?

Because shrooms are natural substances that don’t contain any synthetic chemicals, some people believe that this makes them safe to use. But do you know the truth about shrooms? For example: What happens when you take them? How do they affect your body and mind? Are they dangerous? How long do shrooms remain in your system?

What Are Shrooms?

The terms shrooms and magic mushrooms can refer to a number of naturally occurring fungi that can induce hallucinogenic effects when ingested.

Archeological evidence suggests that people in some parts of the world were using shrooms thousands of years ago. In ancient times, shrooms were most likely ingested as part of religious ceremonies. Today, they are still used for religious purposes in some cultures, though their use has also spread to people who are seeking a recreational psychedelic experience.

Mushrooms that fall into the “magic” or shroom category contain a compound known as psilocybin. This substance can be found in more than 200 different types of mushrooms, though the amount of psilocybin (and thus the potency of the mushroom) can vary considerably. 

Albert Hofmann, who in the 1930s was the first person to synthesize lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) was later involved in the research that identified psilocybin in a species of mushroom that is native to Mexico. 

When a person uses shrooms, their body converts the psilocybin into a substance called psilocyn. Psilocyn interacts with serotonin receptors within the central nervous system. These interactions lead to the hallucinogenic or psychedelic effects that shrooms are known for.

What Happens When You Take Shrooms?

Shrooms can be ingested in a variety of ways. Some people eat them (either alone, mixed with other food, or infused into a gummy), while others brew them into a tea. They can also be ground into a powder and taken in capsule form. Research indicates that how long shrooms remain in your system can vary by means of ingestion.

Depending on several factors, including a person’s age, weight, and metabolism, as well as what type of shroom they have taken, potential effects include the following:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Accelerated heart rate
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Headache and stomach ache
  • Auditory and visual hallucinations
  • Distorted perceptions of time and space
  • Sense of being detached from one’s thoughts and surroundings
  • Altered thinking patterns
  • Sense of profound euphoria
  • Dramatic mood swings
  • Panic or paranoia
  • Intense fear

The effects of shrooms typically begin to set in within 5-40 minutes, and they usually last for three to six hours.

How Long Do Shrooms Stay in Your System?

Determining the amount of time that any drug remains detectable in your system depends on which type of test is being used. Common drug screens typically involve one of the following: saliva, urine, blood, or hair. However, most standard drug screens are not set up to detect shrooms.

However, if you are taking a drug screen that is specifically testing for psilocybin, it can be valuable to know how long do shrooms remain in your system.

According to a May 2021 article, the elimination half-life of psilocybin is about three hours. Half-life is the amount of time it takes for half of a substance to be eliminated. Experts typically estimate that it takes four to five half-lives for a substance to fall below a detectable level.

Using that formula, the answer to the question how long do shrooms remain in your system is about 15 hours. Of course, this is just an estimate. The rate of a person’s metabolism and the amount and potency of the mushroom they have taken are among several factors that can influence how long shrooms remain in their system. 

Are Shrooms Dangerous?

There is no such thing as safe shroom use. When a person uses shrooms, they expose themselves to both immediate and long-term harm. The potential dangers of shrooms include:

  • Panic attack
  • Delusions
  • Profound disorientation
  • Delirium
  • Psychosis
  • Flashbacks
  • Accidental poisoning

The poising risk can be life-threatening, because shrooms can look similar to certain toxic fungi. Depending on which type of poisonous mushroom a person ingests, the possible effects can include:

  • Nausea and diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Disrupted heart rate and pulse
  • Respiratory failure
  • Kidney failure
  • Liver failure
  • Convulsions
  • Coma
  • Death

Also, people who are under the effects of shrooms may incur physical harm due to slips, falls, or other accidents that result from diminished coordination and impaired judgment.

Finally, psilocybin is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance in the United States. This means that, as defined by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), shrooms have no recognized medical value and a high risk of abuse. People who possess shrooms for illicit recreational purposes may be arrested, fined, and incarcerated. 

Find Treatment for Hallucinogen Abuse in Atlanta, GA

If you have been abusing shrooms, LSD, or other hallucinogenic drugs, you may benefit from professional help. Inner Voyage Recovery Center offers personalized outpatient treatment in a safe and welcoming environment. 

At our treatment center near Atlanta, Georgia, you can identify and address the issues that may have contributed to your substance abuse, with the goal of empowering you to develop healthier coping skills and resist future self-defeating urges. Every step of the way, you will be guided and supported by a team of highly skilled and deeply compassionate professionals.

When you’re ready to stop using hallucinogens and start living a healthier life, the Inner Voyage team is here for you. To learn more or to schedule a free assessment, visit our admissions page or call us today.

How Long Does Cocaine Stay in Your System?

Every year, millions of people abuse cocaine without knowing the answers to important questions about this dangerous drug. For example: How does cocaine affect your body and mind? How long does cocaine stay in your system? And how can you tell if you need treatment for cocaine addiction?

How Does Cocaine Affect Your Body & Mind?

Cocaine is a stimulant. As described by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), cocaine binds to receptors in the central nervous system, preventing them from removing a naturally produced neurotransmitter called dopamine. This causes a buildup of dopamine, which is associated with reward, pleasure, and motivation. Excess dopamine causes the euphoric rush, energy boost, and heightened sensitivity that are characteristic of cocaine use.

The effects of cocaine can be intense, but they are usually fairly brief. If a person snorts cocaine, the effects will typically begin within a few minutes and last for no longer than half an hour. If someone smokes the drug, they may begin to feel the effects almost instantaneously, but they will fade within 5-10 minutes.

The intensity and brevity of cocaine’s effects can prompt people to use the drug multiple times within a short period. This can increase their risk for myriad negative outcomes, including addiction and overdose.

How Long Does Cocaine Stay in Your System?

Determining how long does cocaine stay in your system can depend on several factors, such as:

  • How much cocaine you have been using
  • How frequently you have been using cocaine
  • If you have been combining cocaine with other substances
  • What method you use (snorting, injecting, or smoking)
  • Your size, weight, and metabolism

The answer to the question, “How long does cocaine stay in your system?” can also be influenced by which part of your system you’re referring to. In other words, different types of drug screenings can detect the presence of cocaine for varying lengths of time:

  • A saliva test can detect cocaine for up to 48 hours after the last time you used the drug.
  • Cocaine can also be detected in a blood test for up to 48 hours.
  • If you take a urine test, you may test positive if you have used cocaine in the previous 48-96 hours (or two to four days).
  • Evidence of cocaine in your system can be detected for the longest amount of time via a hair follicle test. This type of screening can detect cocaine use up to 90 days after your last use.

How Do You Know if You Need Treatment for Cocaine Addiction?

If you are researching the question, “How long does cocaine stay in your system?” you may suspect that you have a problem regarding your use of this harmful substance. 

To be diagnosed with cocaine use disorder (which is the clinical term for cocaine addiction) you need to be assessed by a qualified professional. The following questions can help you determine if you should make an appointment for an assessment:

  • Do you spend considerable amounts of time thinking about, acquiring, using, and recovering from the use of cocaine?
  • Have you missed school or work – or failed to meet other responsibilities – because of your cocaine use?
  • Once you start using cocaine, do you find it difficult or virtually impossible to stop?
  • Do you feel like you need to use cocaine to have fun or to deal with stress?
  • Do you find that you need to use larger amounts of cocaine to experience the effects that you used to achieve via smaller doses?
  • Have you begun to use cocaine in ways that are especially hazardous, such as combining it with other drugs?
  • Have you continued to use cocaine even after experiencing physical harm or a personal or professional setback due to prior use?
  • Have you lied to friends or family members about the amount and frequency of your cocaine use?
  • Do you become angry, agitated, or irritated when you can’t acquire and use cocaine?
  • Has anyone ever suggested to you that you might be addicted to cocaine?
  • Do you think you might be addicted to cocaine?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should consult with your family doctor or contact a cocaine addiction treatment provider to schedule an assessment.

What Happens if You Don’t Get Help?

The longer you struggle with untreated cocaine addiction, the greater your risk becomes for serious and potentially irreversible harm. Here are a few examples of possible negative effects of cocaine addiction:

  • Withdrawing from family and friends
  • Poor performance in school or at your job
  • Being fired and experiencing long-term unemployment
  • Financial difficulties
  • Being arrested and jailed
  • Malnutrition
  • Damage to the heart and lungs
  • Exposure to HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and other bloodborne disease
  • Memory problems and other cognitive impairments
  • Paranoia
  • Psychosis
  • Stroke 
  • Overdose
  • Death

You don’t have to wait until you “hit rock bottom” before you get professional help. Delaying treatment only jeopardizes your health. It may also put your life in danger. When you get the care you need, you can regain control of your thoughts and behaviors, so that you can live a healthier and more satisfying life.

Find Cocaine Addiction Treatment in Atlanta, GA

Inner Voyage Recovery Center is a truly special place, where the darkness of untreated cocaine addiction can give way to the light of renewed hope and sustained recovery. Our outpatient treatment center near Atlanta, Georgia, is a trusted source of quality care and comprehensive support. Here, experienced professionals offer customized services in a safe and welcoming environment. 

When you’re ready to end your cocaine abuse and start living the life you deserve, the Inner Voyage Recovery Center team is here to help. To learn more or to schedule a free assessment, please visit our admissions page or call us today.

Can You Get Fired for Going to Rehab?

Entering a treatment program can be an essential step on the path to recovery from an addiction to alcohol or another drug. Unfortunately, many people delay getting the help they need because they are worried about their job. Common concerns include: Do you keep your insurance while you’re in treatment? Will you still have a job when you complete the program? Can you get fired for going to rehab?

Can You Get Fired for Going to Rehab?

In a perfect world, the answer to the question, “Can you get fired for going to rehab?” would be a resounding NO. As you may have noticed, though, our world occasionally falls a bit short of perfection. 

Thankfully, many employees in the United States have some legal protections against being summarily fired for seeking mental or behavioral healthcare services, including rehab. However, these laws don’t grant absolute freedom for everyone to remain employed while they are getting whatever type of addiction care they choose. You need to pay close attention to which employees are protected by these laws, which employers are governed by them, and what types of services are covered.

Having said all that, it may be helpful to adjust our focus. Instead of simply asking, “Can you get fired for going to rehab?” we should take a closer look at two federal laws that may protect you if you need treatment for addiction.

Does the ADA Protect You if You Go to Rehab?

The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) is a landmark piece of federal legislation that was signed into law in 1990. The ADA was designed to prevent people with disabilities from being discriminated against in several areas, including employment. 

In terms of using the ADA to protect your job while you are getting treatment for an addiction, it is important to understand what falls under this law’s definition of a disability.

The website of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR) addresses this issue on a page titled “Substance Abuse Under the ADA.” Here are two key sentences from that page:

  • An individual who is currently engaging in the illegal use of drugs is not an individual with a disability when the employer acts on the basis of such use.
  • An employer may not discriminate against a person who has a history of drug addiction but who is not currently using drugs and who has been rehabilitated.

Did you catch the important difference between who is and is not protected by the ADA?

The first sentence refers to people who are “currently engaging in the illegal use of drugs.” In other words, if you are caught using substances in the workplace, or if you show up to work or to an interview under the influence of a substance, you cannot claim a disability as defined by the ADA.

The second sentence refers to someone who developed an addiction but who has not been under the influence of drugs at work. That person may not be discriminated against (such as being fired, punished, or denied employment) based on the fact that they need help or previously spent time in rehab. The USCCR also notes that people “who are currently participating in a rehabilitation program and are no longer engaging in the illegal use of drugs” are covered by the ADA. 

This means that, under the ADA, the disease (addiction) is a protected disability. The behavior that is associated with the disease (substance abuse) is not. 

Can You Use the FMLA to Attend Rehab?

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was signed into law in 1993. As described by the U.S. Department of Labor, this law permits qualified employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for the following reasons:

  • Childbirth and care of the newborn
  • Adopting a child or having a foster child placed in your care
  • Caring for a spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition
  • Serious health condition that renders the employee unable to perform essential job functions
  • Various reasons related to the active duty military services of a spouse, child, or parent

In terms of the FMLA, the answer to the question “Can you get fired for going to rehab?” is found in the fourth reason listed above. As defined by this law, the term “serious medical condition” includes addiction. Thus, if you are a qualified employee under the FMLA, you can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to attend certain types of drug addiction treatment.

To be a qualified employee, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Have worked for a covered employer for at least 12 months
  • Work at a location where your employer has 50 or more employees within 75 miles
  • Have worked a minimum of 1,250 hours over the 12 months prior to taking leave 

If your employer meets one of the following criteria, they are a covered employer and are thus governed by the FMLA:

  • Public agencies, including local, state, and federal employers and local schools
  • Private sector employers who have 50 or more employees for at least 20 weeks during a calendar year

Depending on where you live and where you work, state laws, organizational policies, and union-bargained contracts may also contain language that protects you from getting fired if you go to rehab. For a matter as important as this, be sure to take the time to thoroughly review all relevant legislation, policies, and contracts to ensure that you fully understand your options.

Begin Treatment at a Rehab in Atlanta, GA 

Inner Voyage Recovery Center is a trusted source of quality outpatient rehab services for adults in the Atlanta, Georgia, area. When you begin your recovery journey at Inner Voyage, you can expect to receive superior care from a team of skilled and compassionate professionals. When you’re ready to end your substance abuse and start living a healthier life, Inner Voyage is here for you. Give us a call or visit our admissions page today to learn more.

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