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Revealing The Short and Long-Term Effects of Cocaine

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Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug used recreationally, albeit illegally, all across the country. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, cocaine-involved deaths rose nearly 54% from 2019 to 2021, with a reported number of 24,486 deaths—marking cocaine as one of the leading causes of drug overdose in the United States. Find out the short and long-term dangers of cocaine below, as well as how to tell when it’s time for cocaine rehab.

What Does Cocaine Do to the Body?

Originating in South America from the leaves of the coca plant, cocaine is manufactured into a white powder substance that is typically ingested nasally. As a Schedule II narcotic, it is highly addictive with a high potential for abuse. Serious effects of cocaine include psychological and physiological dependence that can lead to a decline in overall health and wellness if an individual does not seek proper cocaine rehab.

Short-Term Effects of Cocaine

When an individual first uses cocaine, the short-term effects it produces may be perceived as desirable. However, these effects are short-lived and can worsen with prolonged use. Some of these effects include:

  • Heightened alertness
  • A boost in energy
  • Dampened effects of alcohol
  • Curbed hunger
  • Reduced sleep
  • Feelings of euphoria
  • Increased sociability and talkativeness

However, cocaine may also produce the following short-term physical and psychological symptoms:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Tremors or heightened nerves
  • Anxiety
  • Stomach pain
  • Irritability
  • Increased heart rate
  • Dizziness
  • Restlessness
  • Violent behavior

Long-Term Effects of Cocaine

When an individual uses cocaine for an extended period of time and does not go to cocaine rehab, the effects can be catastrophic and potentially fatal. Some of the associated long-term symptoms of cocaine include:

  • Seizures
  • Heart attacks
  • Stroke
  • Irregular or weakened heart rhythm
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fatigue or general lethargy
  • Constant paranoia
  • Difficulty sleeping or insomnia
  • Loss of or increased appetite
  • Loss of pleasure in everyday activities
  • Concentration issues
  • Cognitive issues or difficulty processing information

Moreover, when someone suddenly stops using cocaine after prolonged use, they become more at risk for overdose. Furthermore, extended use of cocaine can lead to chronic coughing or asthma, damaged nasal passages and sense of smell, scarred veins, blood clots, and infections from a weakened immune system.

With this in mind, cocaine is a dangerous drug that can easily put someone in a cycle of addiction. It can be difficult to break without help from a cocaine rehab.

What Happens If You Do Cocaine Once?

It doesn’t take a lot for cocaine to produce symptoms for the average person, even if you only try it once.

While the effects of cocaine vary per user, you can expect to experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, as well as other psychological or physical effects that may not have been listed.

There’s also the potential for addiction to form, which usually damages one’s health, emotions, and relationships. We advise everyone to choose healthier coping mechanisms like mindfulness therapy and yoga.

Fentanyl in Cocaine: What You Should Know

According to the CDC, Fentanyl is a synthetically-produced opioid that can produce effects that are 100 times stronger than morphine and 50 times stronger than heroin.

Fentanyl can be sourced illegally or through certain prescription medications, as pharmaceutical fentanyl can be prescribed to treat chronic or severe pain following surgery or to manage advanced cancer symptoms.

When used illegally and in extreme or frequent amounts, fentanyl can cause permanent damage to the central nervous and respiratory systems and have fatal consequences.

The problem with illegally manufactured fentanyl is that it can be produced as a white powdered substance that looks similar to cocaine. Consequently, it is not uncommon for illegal drug manufacturers to mix fentanyl with cocaine as a way to cut overhead costs. For this reason, the average person that may be inclined to illegally buy cocaine is also likely to come into contact with a fentanyl-laced product.

Signs of Dangerous Cocaine Use

If you or a person close to you exhibit any of the following signs after frequent cocaine use, it may be worth considering cocaine rehab to cut the addictive cycle for good:

  • A constant, overwhelming desire to consume cocaine
  • Spending money on drugs meant for other responsibilities
  • Dangerous, risky, or impulsive behavior
  • Having little regard for one’s appearance, clothing, or hygiene
  • Dishonesty and theft
  • Aggression or violence
  • Having a habit of not showing up for work or social events
  • Difficulty maintaining good relationships
  • Putting drug usage ahead of commitments and essential relationships
  • Relapse from previous cocaine treatment

Whenever the situations listed above are present in your life or around you, whether it’s from using cocaine or another substance, it’s important to reach out to professional resources that can help manage this downward spiral before events take a deadly turn.

How Cocaine Rehab Helps

During cocaine rehab, individuals struggling with the effects of cocaine use can benefit from a professional team of doctors and counselors who can help them manage withdrawal symptoms.

Moreover, it helps individuals identify the root cause of their issue, complete treatment, and arrange a relapse prevention strategy that meets their needs.

Cocaine addiction is a complex condition, and its treatment takes time. Treatment might vary in duration depending on a number of variables, such as how long a person has been using, how much of the drug they consume or have consumed, and their current health status.

The average length of time for treatment is about two months, with longer stays improving one’s chances of getting sober.

Overcome Addiction With Cocaine Rehab in Atlanta, GA

People typically start using cocaine for fun, believing they won’t get addicted. Unfortunately, this is the starting point for many who become addicted.

Cocaine’s effects are intense, but its high wears off quickly. This puts the user in danger of increasing their drug intake to the point of overdose or, worse, death. 

At Inner Voyage Recovery Center’s cocaine rehab in Atlanta, GA, our skilled medical team and support staff know how to help people break the destructive cycle of cocaine addiction. You can recover your health and continue living a better, more meaningful life. If you think that you or someone close to you might be ready for cocaine addiction treatment, please reach out to us today for a confidential consultation.

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