9 Myths About Addiction and Recovery That Aren’t True
Myths about addiction are dangerous. Not just for the human addicted to a substance or process, but for everybody involved.
Why is that? Because myths bring stigma and shame which can make recovery harder. So it’s important to clear up all harmful misconceptions.
Debunking these myths about addiction relieves shame and encourages more empathy in the public consciousness. It also encourages those needing assistance to seek out drug counseling and addiction treatment centers.
Top Myths About Addiction
In our day to day operations, we hear directly from addicted persons what myths people have about them and substance abuse. As always, we can “name it to tame it.” Let’s name these myths and tame them once and for all.Addicts Are Bad People
This is an easy idea to buy into. But it’s simply untrue.
Addicts aren’t “bad people.” This myth is built on a fear and stigma. It promotes judgment over compassion.
In fact, a significant hurdle for addicted persons is processing the shame they feel about their addiction.
The black-and-white myths about addiction have contributed heavily to the widespread belief that addicts are bad people. Numerous media outlets have spread the false notion that addicts are egotistical, helpless, and uncontrollable.
However, this assumption is born from fear and ignorance about addiction. Anyone with first hand experience knows that addiction doesn’t make people bad. It’s more likely that bad things have been done to an addict, hence the desire to escape into addiction.
People whose lives have been touched by alcohol abuse or drug addiction have firsthand experience with the powerful hold a substance can have on a person.
And we know that addiction affects good people, too.
Addiction is a Choice
Thanks to the stigma around addiction, many people believe addiction is a choice. And on the face of it, addiction can seem like a choice. So why is this a myth?
The notion of addiction being a choice stems from the popularized false belief that addiction is a character flaw. This falsehood implies that if you struggle with alcoholism or drug addiction, then you must be reckless or weak-willed.
This misconception influences how addicts view themselves (causing further shame and making recovery much harder) and how family members view loved ones with addiction.
If there’s anything we know, it’s that shame and guilt often fester and cause addiction to worsen. Abusing substances can also result in mental health issues as well, further fueling alcohol and drug addictions.
Addiction is a chronic disease with recognizable physical and psychological symptoms: It is not something a person chooses. After all, who would choose to be addicted if their sober life was calm and fulfilling?
As Dr. Gabor Mate says, “Ask not why the addiction, but why the pain.” Pain and shame drive addiction.
You Must Hit Rock Bottom Before Seeking Treatment
Like all of the myths thus far, the “rock bottom’ myth has serious repercussions that enforce a counterproductive course of action…if any action at all.
The implication that a person is powerless to seek treatment until they’ve lost all their resources or support networks directly suggests one has to lose everything in order for care to be effective.
Furthermore, detoxing from substances due to chemical dependency is an incredibly unpleasant process with dangerous withdrawal symptoms that are worsened the longer a person waits.
The “rock bottom” concept isn’t a medical term and doesn’t apply to other medical issues such as cancer or diabetes, so it should never be in the conversation when encouraging recovery.
Treatment Facilities Are Full of Criminals
False. This is a sentiment born out of a judgmental intolerance for those in recovery.
Addiction can lead many people to make poor decisions. While a few of these behaviors might be against the law and give the victim a criminal record, it is essential to keep in mind that addiction is a disease that attacks the chemicals in the brain.
The prefrontal cortex is the most affected by addiction because it is responsible for decision-making, critical thinking, and impulse control. As such, those who are addicted may have less ability to stop their worst impulses.
But that doesn’t make them bad through and through. That makes them a human struggling to live in a system that’s really rough for those without support.
Further, our addiction center sees folks from all walks of life. We’ve had executives, CEOs, managers, and others join our addiction recovery programs. Addiction treatment is for anyone who wants to get better.
Alcohol Addiction Isn’t As Serious as Drug Addiction
This is a myth because all types of addiction are dangerous to a person’s mental and physical health. That’s true regardless of the substance.
This is harmful because society encourages excessive alcohol consumption during social events. And mild alcoholism is tolerated in many circles.
Prolonged alcohol abuse can lead to serious health complications. There’s the potential for overdose and even death, just like heroin or opioid abuse.
Alcohol is everywhere because it’s generally easier to legally acquire than drugs and most gatherings will have some type of alcoholic beverage present.
This means people are less likely to seek alcohol addiction treatment because alcohol abuse is seen as more “acceptable” and not as harmful as drug abuse. This myth harms those who are addicted to alcohol.
You Can’t Be an Addict if You Have a Full-Time Job
This statement is related to the myth of the “functioning addict.”
A functioning addict is a person (typically middle-aged) with a high substance tolerance and long job history that doesn’t raise any red flags for employers. Even though this person seemingly completes tasks at a sufficient level while using, it doesn’t mean that their life isn’t being affected in a less obvious way.
In fact, experiencing functional addiction is so common that it is categorized as a subtype of addiction that requires early treatment for a better chance of recovery.
The media portrays people with substance abuse disorders as unemployed, weak-willed, and criminal, which means a functioning addict breaks the stereotype and makes it much harder for them to recognize their own addiction.
But make no mistake: those with addictions can be employed and outwardly successful, even if struggling internally.
If Someone Close to You Was an Addict, You’d Know
No, we don’t always know when someone is addicted.
Because some people feel a great deal of shame about their substance abuse they often hide it.
The myth about addiction that you’d always know when someone is addicted is false.
Deception is unfortunately a major part of substance abuse.
For the most part, people don’t want to lie so they typically omit or sidestep relevant information that they feel will get them judged or punished by their loved ones.
However, this doesn’t mean loved ones won’t intuitively know something is ‘off’ or ‘different.’
Too often loved ones ignore their instincts and rationalize away an addict’s lies because they subconsciously want to avoid the conflict acknowledging addiction will cause.
If someone’s gut instinct is telling them that there is something wrong with their loved one, then that means something is up. Parents and spouses are typically the first to instinctually notice changes in baseline behavior changes in their child or partner.
If you believe a loved one is hiding an addiction, contact us about our intervention services.
The Same Treatment Plan Works for Everyone
Treatment is NOT a one-size-fits-all approach.
Because each person’s experience is different, that means there are unique factors that affect the risk of addiction per person.
We’ve already established that a substance abuse disorder depends partly on genetics, a person’s environment, socioeconomic status, and mental health. These varying factors make it impossible to apply the same standard of treatment to everyone.
Everyone entering treatment (at the very beginning) receives a clinical assessment in order to determine the best course of action for them.
From there, professionals will work with them to design an effective treatment plan that is tailored to their medical history, substance habits, mental health, and goals for recovery. It’s a specialized plan unique to every person.
In fact, there are different types of treatment programs available to combat this very issue: inpatient treatment, residential programs, outpatient counseling, partial hospitalization programs (PHP), outpatient/intensive outpatient programs in Atlanta, and other treatment programs.
To summarize, one treatment plan for everyone is a myth about addiction. No two people’s experiences with substances are the same and it is actively harmful to apply a one-size-fits-all approach to specialized care.
Once Treatment Is Complete, Your Recovery Is Over
Completing rehabilitation is a major step, but continuing supported treatment is crucial to avoid relapsing.
Specifically, recovery is a never-ending process and patients must continuously adjust to what their lives offer and have support throughout. Therefore, it’s important to reach out after rehab through an alumni program, sober living, and aftercare.
To overcome the challenges of addiction, patients must have the lifelong commitment it takes to achieve total sobriety and overall wellness.
The specific treatment plan that is developed always includes notes on aftercare.
But it’s also important to know that many people fail to remain sober after drug and alcohol rehab.
Recovery will never be a straight-line process. In most cases, these relapses occur because proper support wasn’t maintained for triggers. In conclusion, it’s a myth to say that recovery is finite.
Break The Stigma on These Myths About Addiction: Find Help at Inner Voyage
At Inner Voyage Recovery Center near Woodstock and Atlanta, Georgia our priority is creating a kind, caring, and compassionate environment. You will feel connected and safe to focus on your recovery goals.
Your therapists want to develop a real relationship with you, and will support you to foster a community of sober minded peers.
Join us for a truly nonjudgmental experience. You’ll learn the tools and knowledge you need to cope with your recovery long term. Many of our team members are in recovery themselves and have firsthand knowledge of the healing process.
We also offer optional full-service, Christian faith-based recovery programs. A life of sobriety is the goal for every person who walks through our doors and every team member is passionate about helping you achieve that goal.
So, don’t let these myths about addiction get you off course, and reach out for help sooner rather than later.